sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2013

Still here

Flame to flame
Toe to toe
Sweting drops dancing
And let the fever rise...

Tear to Tear
Words fading
Noises it's all we can hear

Reached that point??
Can't smoke or drink...
So look at the carbs and sweets you have...

Comum Sense:
Stop whining about it
Grow up and move forward
Let it go...

Past is already behind
So don't try to take it to present
Heartbreaks it's equal to headaches
It's equal to depression, tears and getting disguting...

Love is a four letter word
Hate too...
Her I go again
It's like a blade trespassing my skin
but I'm still here...


Still here...

...Still smiling
Still crying...

Please don't go
I love you so
You make me want to be better
But still me...

...Still here...

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